Yoga means union - it brings together our individual self with our higher Self or God.
Originating in India, it is a wholistic path which includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual practices which aim to completely transform us and bring about this deeper connection.
The ultimate goal is Self-realisation
We reach our full potential
Complete system for transformation
Achieve freedom from suffering
Attain peace, bliss and oneness
Gives us direct experience
Expands our Consciousness
Teaches us to live life to the fullest
The great sage and authority on yoga Patanjali said in the Yoga Sutras,
Yoga is to still the thought waves of the mind.
So although it can include physical asanas or postures and breathing exercises, the most important goal is actually to calm and stabilise our mind.
So you could say, yoga is meditation, or is its most direct and essential practice.
The purpose of yoga is to awaken to our true Self. A yoga is any path or practice which takes us to our true Self, and includes a transformation of our mind, body and spirit.
The sages of the East are wise and compassionate and understand we are all different, so they have laid out a path for each of us, according to our nature. Our job is to find which path works for us.
We may like to practice postures, meditate, serve others, express our devotion, deepen our wisdom or take initiation.
A good yoga teacher understands the true depth of the practice and offers a complete path including all of these elements.
Yoga is not about going to a class or doing a daily practice, or even sitting on a cushion once or twice a day. The goal of yoga and meditation is the same: to be present to your life in every moment, to follow the path of energy and aliveness, so that you feel open, alive and happy in everything you do.
Everyone knows yoga is good for you, but not everyone learns meditation, which is one of the most important and effective part of yoga. In fact many would say that yoga exercises are mostly aimed at preparing you to meditate.
So in order to achieve the full benefits of yoga, meditation is essential and the sooner you begin the sooner you’ll start to experience the enormous benefits to your quality of life. Often surprisingly under-emphasised, it’s actually the cornerstone of yoga practice!
Mantra, repeating a sacred phrase or sound vibration, is an integral aspect of Tantra practice, and a potent tool for conquering our mind and reaching higher states of consciousness. It can both calm the mind and take us directly to the Self.
Inquiry is the highest branch of yoga since it distinguishes between what is to be rejected and what is to be chosen. Therefore, the wise person should practise inquiry.
Abhinavagupta, Tantraloka 4.15
The Tantras say that when we tune into our breath we connect with the life force which pervades the entire creation and all living beings. When our inner and outer worlds merge through the breath we experience their union, and enter a state of oneness.
Online via Zoom or
in person at Mount Eliza or Karingal
I absolutely love to share the teachings and watch you awaken and grow. It is at the heart and soul of yoga, and a daily meditation practice is guaranteed to bear fruit.
Receive personalised one-on-one attention and guidance with an experienced meditation teacher, and plenty of time for questions.
Learn the essentials of Meditation
Mantra, Breath & Self-inquiry
Learn about your mind & emotions
Contact your inner Self
Bring inner peace into your everyday life
Establish your own practice
Find what works for you
3 x 90min Sessions ~ $290
Yoga Nidra is a kind of meditative sleep or trance which combines deep relaxation techniques with guided meditation to achieve a deeply restorative and healing state.
It alleviates stress, anxiety and tension accumulated in the body and mind.
Benefits include profound relaxation in the body and feeling emotionally uplifted. You can also positively influence any area of life you wish to focus on with the power of your own will and intention in this practice.
Begin with stretches & mobilisations
Deeply restorative yoga classes
Guided journeys into your inner world
Experience the bliss of the Self
Receive energy healing during class
End with delicious grounding teas
Classes can be meditative, or dynamic including transformative breathwork
60-90min classes ~ $25-40
Individualised attention for physical, mental and emotional ailments
Uncover and release inner blocks
Apply empowering inner solutions
Improve sleep
Available online via Zoom or in Mount Eliza & Karingal
60min Session ~ $60-100
Experience the full power, wisdom and love of the yoga tradition
In yoga we can settle on one of these paths, or practice all of them, but the goal is always the same - to experience our true nature which is divine - us at our best, open, joyful, peaceful and full of love.
Focuses on meditation and strict discipline, quieting our mind and identifying with our true Self. Can be associated with the 8 limbs of yoga of Patanjali and the Yoga Sutras.
In the path of selfless service, we perform our work and live our lives as a way of serving others. We dedicate all our actions to a higher purpose, and let go of attachment to their fruits, which naturally puts us in touch with the divine.
This is the path of using our intellect, studying yoga philosophy and developing our wisdom. We arrive at the highest truth by Self-inquiry and discriminating what is eternal and real. On its own, it is considered the most difficult and at the same time most direct approach.
In this path of the heart, we purify and channel all of our emotions towards the divine, seeing divinity in all of creation. It includes devotional practices like chanting, ritual worship or puja, and expanding love with our chosen deity or guru, sharing our love with all living beings.
Based on initiation and transmission, it is a set of tools and teachings which give us a direct path to expanded Consciousness and divine energy or Shakti. Often includes mantra practice and can be centred around kundalini awakening.
Focuses on energy and physical postures or asanas, breathing exercises and purification of the body to prepare us for meditation and higher Consciousness. Keeps our body healthy, clears blockages and sustains strength and suppleness.
This is the yoga of awakening of our divine potential, our Kundalini Shakti. It is best if it happens by the grace of a guru, which begins a process of transformation of every aspect of our being. It at times includes all of the above paths and practices as they occur spontaneously within us.
Shivaling mountain, Indian Himalayas above the source of the Ganga river.
Tantra Yoga is a direct path of awakening and expansion of our Consciousness. Recognising the divine essence within every being, it includes any practice which transforms us and leads us to realise our true nature. We might practice mantra, ritual, Self-inquiry, asana, breathing, meditation and contemplation. Particularly relevant in modern times, this elevated all-inclusive vision embraces life and teaches us to find the bliss and divinity in all of creation, living a life full of energy and grace.
Caitanyamatma - The Self is Consciousness
Shiva Sutras 1
Kashmir Shaivism is a nondual Tantric philosophy which tells us that the fundamental nature of reality is Consciousness, that our very own Self is this Awareness. We are in fact perfect divine beings, we are Universal Consciousness or God in a limited form. It’s only due to ignorance and contraction that we feel limited, and there is a path back to our true state. All we have to do is recognize our true nature, and remove the obstacles which obstruct it, until we expand and again rest in our natural state as Self-realised beings.
I share some of the most effective practices to support this awakening: meditation, mantra, Self-inquiry, study of philosophy and yoga nidra.
with Swami Turiyananda
Introduction to Meditation
Self-inquiry and the Art of Upliftment
Mantra Meditation
Silent Meditation Day Retreat
Essential Patanjali for Yogis
Meditation & Philosophy for Yogis
Pathways to Shiva Consciousness
Nondual Tantric Kashmir Shaivism:
Life-embracing Philosophy of Oneness
Kundalini Our Divine Potential
Pranayama: Yogic Breathing Techniques
for Calming & Expanding the Mind
The Inner Self: the Wellspring Within
Watch or listen in your own time
8 Classes of 75-90min
Get In Touch
Mon – Sun
10:00am – 6:00pm